Centiloc Service Documentation
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Event Data Flow

From the Data plaform description, we can deduce the path taken by the events generated by Centiloc devices down to the API or Web application you have access to.

Devices Connections

Devices, whether they are Boards or Boards behind Gateways, join an IOT MQTT cluster.

These devices will publish events as soon as they detect and geolocate items. These events feed Ingest service.

They use this IOT MQTT to listen to commands from Interaction Service.

Ingest Service

This service has multiple roles:

  1. Collect, decode, regroup and filter events from Boards
  2. Qualify event: is the event worse being forwarded
  3. Trig subsequent events
  4. Save the latest item position
  5. Forward the qualified event to the customer

Interaction Service

Whenever you or any other service needs to communicate with any device, this service allows communicating with Devices over IOT-MQTT. This supports all the versions of any Centiloc Device.

Render Information

There are 2 complementary ways to collect information:

  1. You can collect all the qualified events of all your Boards as soon as they have been qualified, by consuming User-MQTT.
  2. You can get the content of your Boards or ask for Item location and status by using gRPC API.
When getting the information from the API, you do not contact Board directly, but you collec the latest information cached in Geolocation cache by ingest service. This allows to always get the latest information available, even if devices are not reachable.
Even if User-MQTT is designed to maintain long-term connection, it is a good practice to ask for Board content from API right after connecting to the MQTT, so that you have the last picture of your board content before collecting events.
Whatever the way to run Geocore plateform, the same APIthe maximal portability of your application.