Centiloc Service Documentation
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First Steps

This tutorial shows how to enrol and configure your first items.

  • A Centiloc Board
  • NFC Tags
  • Your TenantID
  • Having an account with user rights at least
Inventory module is in active development. Thus, information, views or even page URL are subject to change.

1. Connect to Enrolui

Your first Enrolui connection is described in previous section and is the same as Centui.

Let’s browse https://demo.enrolui.centiloc.com, and log in with your configured account.

You may need to replace demo by your tenantID.

2. Select how to retrieve items

Click on the box called UID configuration.
You can chose to retrieve items’ UID in 3 ways:

  • From a location, this find UIDs detected on a given location.
  • From a board, this find UIDs detected on a given board.
  • From a text file, this read the file for UIDs.

Select the location reference from the list. You can start typing to reduce the list.

The location reference can be found in the Location view.
This view is available from the homepage of Enrolui by clicking on Location box.

Enter the board serial number in the box. board_select

The board serial number can be found at the bottom of your CADS. You can see a Serial Number composed of 12 caracters.
See here for more details.

Click on Select a file and a file browser will open. Select your .txt file.

The file content is very simple. Here is an example:


Once you have selected the way to retrieve items.
Press Submit button.

3. Enter the configuration

The configuration will be assigned to the items (uids).
This configuration is composed of:

  • The product reference, the item will be identified as such.
  • The redirection url, when taping the item (reading NFC tag) this will redirect to this url.
  • A set of labels, item will carry its labels enriching even more the NFC event data.

You can chose to write the configuration from scratch or upload it from a file.

a. Enter the product reference (optional)


The location reference can be found in the Product view.
This view is available from the homepage of Enrolui by clicking on Product box.

b. Enter the redirection URL (optional)

The redirection URL will be applied to the items UID and not to the product.
This will be used for tapping


c. Enter the items labels (optional)

  • You can click Add Label to create a new label. A label has a title and an value (optional).
  • You can edit the title and value of a label.
  • You can remove a label by clicking the x button.
If you add a label with a title which already exists, the previous value will be overriden.
The label title must not contain the separator ::.

d. Save (optional) and submit

  • You can click the save icon to save your configuration as a yaml (yml) file to reuse it later on.
  • Click Submit button to proceed to next step and validate your configuration.

Click on the Load file button and select your yaml (.yml) configuration file.
The configuration will fill the fields accordingly.

Here is an example of a configuration file:

product: "test"               # Product reference
url: "https://centiloc.com"   # Redirection URL
labels:                       # List of labels
  - title: "ordering_number"  # Label#1 title
    value: "1a2b3c"           # Label#1 value
    keyLocked: true           # Disabled modification of title (default: false)
    permanent: true           # Disabled delete button of label (default: false)
  - title: "client_name"      # Label#2 title (no value)
  - title: "priority"         # Label#3 title
    value: "2"                # Label#3 value
    keyLocked: true           # Disabled modification of title (default: false) 
    valueLocked: true         # Disabled modification of value (default: false) 
    permanent: true           # Disabled delete button of label (default: false)

4. Enrolment process

Now, this section should appear:

You can find the:

  • Number of items on the board / location / file.
    • This is the number of items detected (in real time) on the board / location.
    • For a file, this is the number of item in the file.
  • Number of enroled items on the board / location / file.
    • This is the number of items detected and enroled (in real time) on the board / location.
    • For a file, this is the number of enroled item in the file.
  • Total number of enroled items for the campaign. A campaign reflects the configuration. The number of items for a campaign is the number of items that has been configured with the configuration of the campaign.
  • Total number of enroled items for the session. A session is more specific. It also reflects the configuration, but also where the items were configured. This means that it reflects the number of items that has been configured with the configuration on a location or board.
When using a text file the line session and campaign will not show.

4.1. Enrolment

If the number of items detected on the surface and the number of items enroled on the surface are not the same, user can click on Start enrolment button.
This will enrol the items detected on the surface, incrementing the items enroled counter.

The icon on the left can show three different state:

  • icowarn There is a missmatch between detected items and enroled items.
  • icowait Enrolment is in progress. Please wait.
  • icook Everything is good. Numbers are matching.

Clicking the switch button Automatic mode will trigger this mode.

In this mode, there is no need to click on any button.
Any new NFC event will be automatically detected and enroled by the system.

User can see both number incrementing at the same time.


4.2. Reset enrolment

You need to be in Manual Mode.

In case of an enrolment that should not have happened, there is the possibility to cancel it.

  1. Place items that have been wrongfully enroled with the configuration.
  2. Click on Reset items.

This will remove the configuration set with this campaign.
This will not remove other configuration, it’ll only remove the configuration of your current campaign.


4.3. Save data files

You need to be in Manual Mode.

It is possible to save files about the session and campaign.
To do so simply click on the Download enroled items list button.
This will save two csv files.


This is what the files look like:

  1. Campaign file
  1. Session file
UID;Product;URL;Labels;Board SN;Location

You have different columns:

  • UID: the uid of the enroled item.
  • Product: the product set during the enrolment.
  • URL: the redirection url set during the enrolment.
  • Labels: a list of labels set during the enrolment.
  • Board SN (session only): the board SN used for the enrolment.
  • Location (session only): the location reference used for the enrolment.